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Registered Nursing

Registered Nursing

General Information
Registered Nurses (RNs) work to promote health, prevent disease, and help patients cope with illness. RNs are advocates and health educators for patients, families, and communities. RNs observe, assess, and record symptoms, reactions, and progress of patients. They assist physicians during treatments and examinations, administer medications, and assist in convalescence and rehabilitation. RNs develop and manage nursing care plans, instruct patients and their families in proper care, and help individuals and groups take steps to improve or maintain their health. (From 1998-99 Occupational Outlook Handbook, Bureau of Labor Statistics)

RNs work in hospitals, offices and clinics, home, public health, and occupational health settings.

The ADN Program: Two year
The Butte College Associate Degree Nursing program is a state approved program which provides the courses necessary for the graduate to apply for licensure as a Registered Nurse.

1.  12 grade education or equivalent
2.  Age 17 years or older

BIOL 20 Human Anatomy (online labs accepted)
BIOL 21 Human Physiology (online labs accepted)
BIOL 15 Microbiology (online labs accepted)
FN 2 Basic Nutrition (FN 50 can also be accepted if you have catalog rights from Fall 2024 or earlier)**
MATH 26 or 26s College Algebra or Math 18 or 18s Statistics or a higher-level Math (any math course that meets AS Degree GE requirements for oyur catalog year can be used if you have catalog rights from Fall 2024 or earleir)**
ENGL 2 Reading & Composition or ENGL 3 Reading and Composition Intensive
PSY 1 Principles of Psychology 
CMST 2 or 2H Public Speaking or CMST 4 Group Discussion (CMST 10 can also be accepted if you have catalog rights from Fall 2024 or ealier) 

*There is no recency requirement for these courses.  However, you are held strictly accountable for knowledge of their content, regardless of when they were taken.  We highly recommend that you refresh your knowledge of these subjects, particularly algebra and the sciences, if you took the courses more than five years ago.

**Beginning Fall 2024, first time applicants and students not covered by previous catalog rights must complete an Ethnic Studies course to graduate with an AS degree in Registered Nursing. Students that use Fall 2024 or earlier catalog rights may have to complete additional GE requirements. Please contact Counseling and Advising with questions regarding this new graduation requirement and/or catalog rights. 

Cumulative GPA of 2.5 for all prerequisite courses, with no less than a 'C' for each course. Credit/no Credit courses are not accepted. Only Official Transcripts for AP English Comp or AP Psych are acceptable. 

Overall GPA of 2.5 for the Human Anatomy, Human Physiology, and Microbiology prerequisite courses, with no grade less than 'C' for each course and no more than one repetition of one of these courses for purposes of GPA calculation. Credit/no Credit courses are not accepted.

TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) - The TEAS test must be completed with a composite score of 62% or greater by the first or second attempt to be considered for the lottery. If a student does not achieve a score of 62% or greater after taking a distinct version (ie TEAS version 6) twice, when a new version of the TEAS test is available, the student may take the new version twice to try to achieve a composite score of 62% or greater. The TEAS is required at the time of application. 

CO-REQUISITE COURSES (may be in progress at the time of application but must be complete before your program begins)
ANTH 4 or 4H Cultural Anthropology or SOC 2 Principles of Sociology or SOC 4 Modern Social Problems
Humanities Requirement - GE Requirement for AS Degree Area 3+
Ethnic Studies - GE Requirement for AS Degree Area 6+ (2 KIN courses can be used in lieu of Ethnic Studies if you have catalog rights from before FA24)**

*Applicants who have already attained a bachelor's degree are exempt from these course requirements.

1.  All program prerequisites must be completed at the time of application.
2.  In the event that there are more qualified candidates than spaces in the program, a computer lottery will select the individuals to be enrolled.
3.  Applicants that are not selected for enrollment must reapply if they wish to be considered for admission to a future semester.  The odds of admission increase with each consecutive reapplication. (Note: Individuals selected that decline their seat more than once will not be permitted to reapply.)
4.  Applicants that have failed, more than once, from a nursing program (LVN and/or RN) are ineligible to apply.


Challenge/Advanced Placement into the Nursing Program for Military Personnel

Individuals who have held Military Health Care Occupations, specifically: Basic Medical Technician Corpsman (Navy HM or Air Force BMTCP), Army Health Care Specialist (68W Army Medic) or Air Force Independent Duty Medical Technician (IMDT 4N0X1C) may achieve advanced placement into the Associates Degree Nursing (ADN) program with documentation of education and experience and by following one of the two pathways outlined here


Butte College has partnered with Chico State to assist Butte College Nursing students in gaining a Bachelor's in Registered Nursing. These efforts have led to this Matriculation agreement that will allow Butte College Registered Nursing students to transfer into the Chico State Nursing program and obtain a Bachelor's of Science in Nursing in less time.


Go to Applications for information regarding:

1.  Application deadlines
2.  Obtaining an application
3.  Financial aid information

RN Program Estimated Expenses
Go here for current program expenses.

*Butte-Glenn Community College reserves the right to designate a certain number of enrollment spaces for contract agreements and/or meet required grant designated outcomes. 

Butte College | 3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville CA 95965 | General Information (530) 895-2511

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